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Manufacturer / Brand: AD
Details: 25MHz, 600V/µs Op Amp
Series: LT1357
Quantity Available: Over 46140 pieces

Datasheet for LT1357:

LT1357 datasheet
Price for LT1357
Product Parameters
  • Manufacturer Part Number : LT1357
  • Manufacturer : AD
  • Description : 25MHz, 600V/µs Op Amp
  • Series : LT1357
  • Reference Price : USD 1.96
  • Our Price : We have a better price, contact us by email
  • Product Type : Operational Amplifiers (Op Amps)
  • Function : General Purpose Op Amps
  • Current Suggest : Production
  • Status : Production
  • RoHS Status: -
  • Voltage: -
  • Feature: -
  • Package Case: -
  • Temperature Range: -
  • Packing: Reel/Tray/Tube
  • Standard Packing Quantity: -
  • Country of Origin: -
  • Other Part Number : LT1357
  • Shipping methods : DHL FEDEX UPS TNT
  • Delivery Time : Ship within 1 day.
  • Manufacturer Production time : 6-8 weeks (Normally have stocks)
  • Weight : 0.001KG

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Features and Benefits of LT1357
Product Detailed Description for LT1357

The LT1357 is a high speed, very high slew rate operational amplifier with outstanding AC and DC performance. The LT1357 has much lower supply current, lower input offset voltage, lower input bias current, and higher DC gain than devices with comparable bandwidth. The circuit topology is a voltage feedback amplifier with the slewing characteristics of a current feedback amplifier. The amplifier is a single gain stage with outstanding settling characteristics which makes the circuit an ideal choice for data acquisition systems. The output drives a 500 ohms load to ±12V with ±15V supplies and a 150 ohms load to ±2.5V on ±5V supplies. The amplifier is also stable with any capacitive load which makes it useful in buffer or cable driver applications.

The LT1357 is a member of a family of fast, high performance amplifiers using this unique topology and employing our advanced bipolar complementary processing. For dual and quad amplifier versions of the LT1357 see the LT1358/LT1359 data sheet. For higher bandwidth devices with higher supply current see the LT1360 through LT1365 data sheets. For lower supply current amplifiers see the LT1354 and LT1355/LT1356 data sheets. Singles, duals, and quads of each amplifier are available.


  • Wideband Amplifiers
  • Buffers
  • Active Filters
  • Data Acquisition Systems
  • Photodiode Amplifiers
Lifecycle information of LT1357

At least one model within this product family is in production and available for purchase. The product is appropriate for new designs but newer alternatives may exist.

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  • Stocking Distributor for All series AD IC
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