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Manufacturer / Brand: AD
Details: Dual Mode HDMI/MHL Receiver
Series: ADV7480
Quantity Available: Over 56270 pieces

Datasheet for ADV7480:

ADV7480 datasheet
Price for ADV7480
Product Parameters
  • Manufacturer Part Number : ADV7480
  • Manufacturer : AD
  • Description : Dual Mode HDMI/MHL Receiver
  • Series : ADV7480
  • Reference Price : USD 5.608
  • Our Price : We have a better price, contact us by email
  • Product Type : HDMI/DVI Receivers
  • Function : -
  • Current Suggest : Production
  • Status : Contact ADI
  • RoHS Status: -
  • Voltage: -
  • Feature: -
  • Package Case: -
  • Temperature Range: -
  • Packing: Reel/Tray/Tube
  • Standard Packing Quantity: -
  • Country of Origin: -
  • Other Part Number : ADV7480
  • Shipping methods : DHL FEDEX UPS TNT
  • Delivery Time : Ship within 1 day.
  • Manufacturer Production time : 6-8 weeks (Normally have stocks)
  • Weight : 0.001KG

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Related IC Components
Features and Benefits of ADV7480
  • Mobile High-Definition Link (MHL) capable receiver
    High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP) authentication and decryption support
    75 MHz maximum pixel clock frequency, allowing HDTV formats up to 720p/1080i at 60 Hz
  • High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) capable receiver
    HDCP authentication and decryption support
    162 MHz maximum pixel clock frequency, allowing HDTV formats up to 1080p and display resolutions up to UXGA (1600 × 1200 at 60 Hz)
  • Component video processor
    Any-to-any 3 × 3 color space conversion (CSC) matrix
    Contrast, brightness, hue, saturation video adjustment
    Timing adjustments controls for horizontal sync (HS)/vertical sync (VS)/data enable (DE) timing
  • Serial digital audio output interface
    HDMI/MHL audio extraction support
    Advanced audio muting feature
    I2S-compatible, left justified and right justified audio output modes
    8-channel TDM output mode available

  • Mobile Industry Processor Interface (MIPI) Camera Serial Interface 2 (CSI-2) transmitter
    4-lane transmitter with 4 lanes, 2 lanes, and 1 lane muxing options for HDMI/MHL/digital input port sources
  • 8-bit digital input/output port
  • General
    2-wire serial microprocessor unit (MPU) interface (I2C compatible)
    −40°C to +85°C temperature grade
    100-ball, 9 mm × 9 mm, RoHS-compliant CSP_BGA package
    Qualified for automotive applications
  • See data sheet for additional features

Product Detailed Description for ADV7480
The ADV7480 is a combined HDMI®/MHL® receiver targeted atconnectivity enabled head units requiring a wired, uncompresseddigital audio/video link from smartphones and other consumerelectronics devices to support streaming and integration ofcloud-based multimedia content and applications into anautomotive infotainment system.

The ADV7480 MHL 2.1 capable receiver supports a maximumpixel clock frequency of 75 MHz, allowing resolutions up to720p/1080i at 60 Hz in 24-bit mode. The ADV7480 features alink control bus (CBUS) that handles the link layer, translationlayer, CBUS electrical discovery, and display data channel(DDC) commands. The implementation of the MHL sidebandchannel (MSC) commands by the system processor can behandled either by the I2C bus, or via a dedicated serialperipheral interface (SPI) bus. A dedicated interrupt pin(INTRQ3) is available to indicate that events related to CBUShave occurred.

The ADV7480 also features an enable pin (VBUS_EN) todynamically enable or disable the output of a voltage regulator,which provides a 5 V voltage bus (VBUS) signal to the MHLsource.

The ADV7480 HDMI capable receiver supports a maximumpixel clock frequency of 162 MHz, allowing HDTV formats upto 1080p, and display resolutions up to UXGA (1600 × 1200 at60 Hz). The device integrates a consumer electronics control(CEC) controller that supports the capability discovery andcontrol (CDC) feature. The HDMI input port has dedicated 5 Vdetect and Hot Plug™ assert pins.

The HDMI/MHL receiver includes an adaptive transitionminimized differential signaling (TMDS) equalizer that ensuresrobust operation of the interface with long cables.The ADV7480 single receiver port is capable of accepting bothHDMI and MHL electrical signals. Automatic detectionbetween HDMI and MHL is achieved by using cable impedancedetection through the CD_SENSE pin.

The ADV7480 contains a component processor (CP) thatprocesses the video signals from the HDMI/MHL receiver. Itprovides features such as contrast, brightness, and saturationadjustments, as well as free run and timing adjustment controlsfor HS/VS/DE timing.

The ADV7480 features an 8-bit digital input/output port,supporting input and output video resolutions up to 720p/1080iin both the 8-bit interleaved 4:2:2 SDR and DDR modes.

To enable glueless interfacing of these video input sources to thelatest generation of infotainment system on chips (SoCs), theADV7480 features a MIPI® CSI-2 transmitter. The four-lanetransmitter provides four data lanes, two data lanes, and onedata lane muxing options, and can be used to output video fromthe HDMI receiver, the MHL receiver, and the digital inputport.

The ADV7480 offers a flexible audio output port for audio dataextracted from the MHL or HDMI streams. The HDMI/MHLreceiver has advanced audio functionality, such as a mutecontroller that prevents audible extraneous noise in the audiooutput. Additionally, the ADV7480 can be set to output timedivision multiplexing (TDM) serial audio, which allows thetransmission of eight multiplexed serial audio channels on asingle audio output interface port.

The ADV7480 is programmed via a 2-wire, serial, bidirectionalport (I2C compatible).

Fabricated in an advanced CMOS process, the ADV7480 isavailable in a 9 mm × 9 mm, RoHS-compliant, 100-ballCSP_BGA package and is specified over the −40°C to +85°Ctemperature range.

The ADV7480 is offered in automotive and industrial versions.


  • Portable devices
  • Automotive infotainment (head unit and rear seat
    entertainment systems)
  • HDMI repeaters and video switches
Lifecycle information of ADV7480

At least one model within this product family is in production and available for purchase. The product is appropriate for new designs but newer alternatives may exist.

ADV7480 More photos
  • Stocking Distributor for All series AD IC
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